My water has been shut off, how do I restore service?
If you wish to restore service during business hours (9:00am to 4:00pm), please contact the City of Edmonds Utility Billing department at (425) 771-0241. You will need to contact the Utility Billing Department, even if you have paid your bill in full on this website. Please note that a $40 charge is assessed to restore service.
If you wish to restore service after hours, please call 425-407-3999, the non-emergency 911 center contact number and explain that you need your water service restored. You will need to make payment, including applicable fees, via the website, or in the drop box by the opening of the next business day in order to keep your service restored. You also have the option to call the Utility Billing Department at the beginning (9:00 am) of the next business day. Please note that to restore service after hours, there is an additional charge of $125.00 after the $40 assessed to restore service. Remember to add these fees to your total bill when paying.
Other Questions
For any other questions on your account, please call: (425) 771-0241 between 9:00am and 4:00pm, or email: